What do we offer?

Louise Cottingham

A few words from Louise:
“I have been in the health and well being industry since 2002, and it’s totally in my blood. A favourite motto of mine is:
You have one vessel, treat it with care
After having my son in 1996, I wanted to be in the best shape inside and out; to be able to keep up with the fast pace life as a mum. It was during this time that I felt I wanted to help others too, and so my journey began.
I became a fitness and group exercise instructor and Personal Trainer in 2002. As time moved on, I knew there was so much more I wanted to do. This led me to gain my qualifications as a Nutrition Specialist in 2012, followed by becoming a Natural Juice Therapist in 2017.
Living in the beautiful New Forest is so special to me. I love being outdoors with my border collie, also taking my classes and personal training sessions outside too.
Personal training, running fitness classes and offering nutrition courses and advice certainly keep me busy.
Working with my clients and seeing them achieve their fitness and health goals is very rewarding. Receiving a testimonial that blood pressure has reduced, or being able to fit into those jeans, experiencing mental clarity for maybe the first time, it’s fantastic – the list here is endless. My clients truly are the force that drives me and there is always plenty of fun along the way too.”
LC Fitness and Nutrition offers:
Why juicing?
Juicing is certainly by no means anything new, it’s been around since the early 1900’s with pioneers like Norman Walker, who invented the Norwalk cold press juicer, in which he used at his Cancer clinics in Arizona. Healing his patients with great success. What does happen is we get caught up in the latest fad, and we are on to the next and so on. It’s juicing today gone tomorrow. So...take a look at our juicing page and learn how juices can really benefit your life...
Retreat Days: A day for you
‘A day for you’ is exactly what the retreat days are about. Time to enjoy a day of pure self care and indulgence. Time away from family, work, busy schedules. Enjoy woodland walking, a fitness class, yoga and meditation. Time away from the excess of the modern diet, replacing it with, for one day, delicious cold pressed juice, a gorgeous salad lunch and so much more.