Keeping motivated
Good morning everyone!
A new week, and new beginnings. Are you feeling motivated with your fitness, and nutrition? Or have we started the count down to the big C! With thoughts of ‘I will get back on track in the New Year!
With just over 5 weeks to go, this can easily start to be the theme of things, with life becoming even more busy than it already is.
I thought this was the perfect opportunity to come on and motivate you all to stay on track with your fitness and nutrition protocols. It really is worth it, as you will be much less likely to go over the top when Christmas actually does arrive.
If your starting to receive invitations to party’s and the like, don’t despair, go to the party get all dressed up, engage with like minded people, move away from naysayers, and people that sadly, want you to fail, perhaps because they may feel better themselves, to see someone fail with them!
Negative and sad as it may be, when someone sees that you are maybe turning your life around for the better, and starting to look and feel amazing, and maybe they are not quite on track themselves, they like nothing better than to see you fall off the wagon!
Yes, unfortunately their are people out there like this. Trying to encourage you to have that glass of wine, that extra mince pie, cake with coffee, so they feel better, as you indulge with them.
We actually don’t need alcohol, processed foods, and toxic friends!
Go to the party, stick to you goals, and save yourself for a small treat at Christmas.
You will certainly be the bell of the ball, and how good will you feel come New Year, when it’s great to feel good in your clothes, energised and in a great place to continue your lifestyle change.
Please don’t fear fruit, fruit is packed full of live vitamin water, bound to natural glucose and fibre, that the whole body system, every single cell thrives on.
So when your feel like snacking, avoid the hype, and artificial feeling of just because its Christmas time, filling our system with refined fats and sugar.
You will thank yourself come January 1st 😊
Have a great Monday.
Louise. x